Stellar vs Ethereum Classic

June 15, 2022

Stellar vs Ethereum Classic

Blockchain technology has come a long way since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009. Today, there are many blockchain networks that offer different use cases and features. Two popular networks that are often compared are Stellar and Ethereum Classic. In this blog post, we will compare the two networks based on their technology, transaction speed, and more.


Stellar is a decentralized blockchain network that allows users to send and receive various assets, including cryptocurrency and fiat currency. It uses its own consensus protocol, known as the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), which allows for fast, secure, and decentralized transaction processing.

On the other hand, Ethereum Classic is also a decentralized blockchain network that operates on the same technology as the original Ethereum blockchain. It uses the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus protocol, which allows for secure transaction processing, but at a slower speed.

Transaction speed

Transaction speed is an important factor to consider when comparing blockchain networks. Stellar processes transactions faster than Ethereum Classic, with a transaction confirmation time of around 2-5 seconds. This makes it a better option for those who require fast and efficient transaction processing speeds.

On the other hand, Ethereum Classic's transaction confirmation time varies depending on network activity and currently averages around 14 seconds. While still a decent speed, it may not be ideal for those who require faster transaction confirmation times.


Stellar's native token is XLM, which is used as a means of exchange on the Stellar network. It has a fixed supply of 50 billion XLM, which were all created at the Genesis block. The tokens are distributed through various means, including direct distribution to individuals and organizations, airdrops, and partnerships.

Ethereum Classic's native token is ETC, which is also used as a means of payment and store of value on the Ethereum Classic network. It has a maximum supply of 210 million ETC, of which around 116 million are currently in circulation. The tokens are released through a mining process, where miners compete to solve complex cryptographic puzzles that confirm transactions and add new blocks to the chain.

Smart contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are coded on blockchain networks. They allow for decentralization and automation of various functions. Both Stellar and Ethereum Classic support smart contracts, with Ethereum Classic being more popular due to its Turing-complete programming language that allows developers to create complex decentralized applications (dApps).

Stellar uses its own programming language called Stellar Transaction Language (STL), which is simpler compared to Ethereum Classic's Solidity language. This makes it a better option for those who require simple smart contracts for their use case.

Final Thoughts

Both Stellar and Ethereum Classic are popular blockchain networks that offer unique features and use cases. When it comes to technology, Stellar's unique SCP protocol allows for fast and secure transaction processing, while Ethereum Classic's use of the PoW consensus protocol provides a secure network with a slower transaction processing speed.

Ultimately, the choice between Stellar and Ethereum Classic depends on your specific use case and requirements. Both networks have their strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to you to decide which one is best suited for your needs.


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